Room Assignments
Once your registration is complete, you will receive an email confirmation of registration. This confirms that you have a room saved for you at the conference. You will not have an assigned room yet. Your registration will be sent to our Registration Committee and they will be assigning rooms.
Trail West is a Young Life camp, The room structures are a combination of queen, bunk, and Murphy beds. We have a limited number of smaller rooms; 2 people per room or 3-4 people per room. We will do our best to accommodate your request. Please keep in mind we have 175 women to lodge. Because this conference is indoors and most rooms and queen beds must be shared; it takes quite a bit of arranging to accommodate the number of women we can host.
Our Registration Committee makes every effort to group you with your indicated roommates. Please enter the names of your roommates on the registration form to assist with this process. We will assign your room once all roommates are registered. You will receive your room assignment upon check in on the first day of the conference.
Also each year, we have attendees who are looking for roommates. We may contact you to help us accommodate rooming arrangements and we appreciate your flexibility.