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Colorado Woman to Woman
Planning Committee Positions
Who Are We?
The Colorado Woman to Woman Planning Committee is composed of women volunteers from AA and Al-Anon. The Planning Committee is divided into 10 Committees co-chaired by one woman from AA and one woman from Al-Anon. Double winners may choose which Program they wish to represent on the Committees for the year. Each Committee is focused on their chosen activity, e.g., hospitality, workshops, or website.
How Do You Do It?
The Planning Committee is led by four officers, Chairperson, Chair-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. These women serve in traditional roles and are split equally between AA and Al-Anon. The Planning Committee developed guidelines over the years formalizing lessons learned. We use a monthly Task List to keep preparations on track and share guidelines with suggestions and pearls of wisdom from previous Committee Co-Chairs.
When and Where Do You Meet?
The Planning Committee meets monthly (except July and December) on the second Saturday of the month at 11:30 am. Each Committee Co-chair reports on the activity of the past month. We meet centrally in Monument to lessen the burden of travel from most parts of the State. We also offer a hybrid option to join on Zoom.


What Is the Job?
We are always excited to welcome new volunteers to the group and look forward to your participation. Below is a list of the Committees and a brief explanation of their primary responsibilities*:



Committee Tasks
Develop the icebreaker for the first night of the conference, create name badges, order pins with conference logo, and greet all registrants entering the conference.


Arrange for thank you gifts for the speakers and coordinate snacks donated by registrants for the Hospitality Table. Restock the hospitality table at the conference.


Creates the annual logo/theme for the conference with the Chairperson, the Save the Date flyer, and the conference program.  Creates and distributes email communications to prospective and current registrants, and provides the printed program to Greeters/Registration Committee Co-Chairs to hand out to women at the conference. Provides the logo to Website with the colors and theme for the year.


Registers each participant and assigns rooming arrangements. Works closely with Scholarship Co-chairs. Shares registration lists with Retail and Hospitality Co-chairs to assign service positions during the conference.


Designs, selects, and orders retail items in the conference colors using the annual and permanent logos.  Sells retail items during the conference with help from scholarship recipients.


Communicates with participants seeking scholarships. Reviews applications and awards scholarships.  Assigns recipients to service positions with Hospitality and Retail during the conference.


Selects speakers for the following year’s conference. Communicates with current year’s speakers, and hosts them during the conference. Arranges transportation from the Airport to the conference and back. Shares speaker information with publicity for development of the program. 
Selects topics for the workshop.  Designs and presents the workshop. Selects and coordinates any additional presenters for the workshop. Shares information woith Publicity for development of the program.




Selects topics for the multiple meetings.  Selects and assigns leaders for the meeting (one-AA, one-Al-Anon). Schedules rooms for meeting offerings. Shares information with Publicity for development of the program. 


Maintains and updates the conference web page. Sets up the registration page and event info for the conference. 
Tech Tools
Maintains and updates the Committees’ email addresses.  Manages the Google Drive document storage. Maintains Zoom account and sets up connection for Planning Committee meetings.
Complete the following form.  We will notify you when and where the first meeting of the year occurs in August (Hint: probably the second Saturday unless there is a conflict).  During that meeting we generally volunteer for the committee positions of interest.  Commitment is for one year as we rotate most positions annually.

Thank You

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