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YEAR 31-35  |  2022-2026


YEAR 31 - 2022

This year was our first year back in person since the COVID19 pandemic started. We were challenged to hold and in person event while meeting State and County Health Department mandates.  We developed a mask wearing policy for the public areas that was adhered to by all.  This was not without some controversy but after the conference no one came down with Covid in the next week. We introduced online registration and online payment through PayPal or credit card this year which simplified the registration process.  Our selected Al-Anon speaker Nansea B. from Naples, Florida had a medical emergency (not Covid) and returned home.  Her replacement, a recognized speaker attending the conference, stepped up to fill the spot.

AA SPEAKER - Judy K., Ashtabula, Ohio

Chairperson - Sandra, G., Sedalia, Colorado

Theme - Finding Serenity

Color - blue and yellow



YEAR 32 -  2023

We continued online registration this year and found we were sold out of all rooms but dorm beds within two weeks.  Our Al-Anon speaker scheduled this year Ellen C., Dallas, Texas had a sudden illness and was unable to travel. Our incoming 2024 Chair stepped up at the last minute and spoke.

AA SPEAKER - Jennifer K.,  Plano, Texas   

AL-ANON SPEAKER - Kim M., Colorado Springs, Colorado

Chairperson - Katy E., Parker, Colorado

Theme - Shoulder to Shoulder

Color - white, blue, and green

YEAR 33 - 2024

Registration for the 2-3 and 4-6 ladies in a lodge room were sold out within two hours of opening the online page!  We introduced electronic check-in by scanning a QR code on each individual's emailed ticket.  We checked in 57 registrants in the first 15 minutes!  Saying bye-bye to the long waits from the past.

AA SPEAKER - Amy M., Aurora, Colorado

AL-ANON SPEAKER - Lori G., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Chairperson - Kim M., Colorado Springs, Colorado

Theme - Growing Forward Together

Color - Berry and Heathered charcoal


YEAR 34 - 2025

In Progress


AA SPEAKER -  Jane D.L., Tallahassee, FL

AL-ANON SPEAKER - Stephanie B., Granite Shoals, TX

Chairperson - Ann F., Littleton, CO

Theme - Standing in the Sunlight of the Spirit

Color - Blue and Yellow


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