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YEAR 21-25  |  2012-2016

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YEAR 21 - 2012 

Any additional information about this year's conference is welcome! 

AA SPEAKER - Carla R., Tejunga, California

AL-ANON SPEAKER - Beverly B., Lewisville, Texas

Chairperson - Pam A., Denver, Colorado

Theme - Willing to go to Any Lengths

Color - pink & light blue



YEAR 22 -  2013

Any additional information about this year's conference is welcome!

AA SPEAKER - Polly P., Florida

AL-ANON SPEAKER - Susie S., Tennessee

Chairperson - Eileen S., Pueblo Colorado

Theme - Living Life on Life's Terms

Color - orange, yellow, purple, and green



YEAR 23 -  2014

One of our attendees developed altitude sickness over the weekend. Our medical support person, a retired Emergency RN, and her friends transported her to the Emergency Department for intravenous fluids and medication.  She returned to the conference and proclaimed Sunday morning at breakfast, "I'm hungry!  When does the conference start?"   Any additional information about this year's conference is welcome! 

AA SPEAKER - Mari G., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

AL-ANON SPEAKER - Juanita U., Santa Fe, NM.

Chairperson - Cindy L., Northglen, Colorado

Theme - Happy, Joyous, and Free

Color - teal and black           



YEAR 24 - 2015 

Any additional information about this year's conference is welcome! 

Chairperson - Judy H. , Pueblo, Colorado

Theme - Be of Service

Colors - purple, green, and gold



YEAR 25 - 2016

This year, our medical support person, a retired Emergency RN, was tested again.  An attendee fell while climbing into a top bunk in the dorm.  With assistance from the Trail West weekend point person (who was an EMT), they assessed her injuries and called for an ambulance.  She was discharged from the hospital after x-rays and returned to the conference - BUT NOT to an upper bunk!  Any additional information about this year's conference is welcome! 

Chairperson - Jodie S., Colorado Springs, Colorado

Theme - Keys to the Kingdom

Color - black and white


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