YEAR 16-20 | 2007-2011
YEAR 16 - 2007
Young Life began a multi-year renovation of the Trail West facility this year. While scaffolds blocked our view of the mountains from the dining room, the promise of a larger space and more tables was worth the inconvenience.
AA SPEAKER - Beth H., Cary, North Carolina
AL-ANON SPEAKER - Judy K., Reno, Nevada
Chairperson - Lynnette M., Pueblo, CO
Color: Brown & Pink
YEAR 17 - 2008
This year we were full to overflowing with 198 attendees. The completed dining room was large enough but chairs in meeting rooms were at a premium. The early bird certainly got to sit in a chair and not on the floor.
AA SPEAKER - Peggy M., Nebraska
AL-ANON SPEAKER - Kathy H., Ohio
Chairperson - Jody F., Broomfield, Colorado
Theme - Recovery Discovery
Color: light blue & light purple
YEAR 18 - 2009
We decided, based on the last year's evaluations, to cap the number of registrations to 175 so we did not overwhelm the facility. We also introduced the "Room Full" door signs to keep us in compliance with the Fire Marshall. Our Meetings Co-chairs wore red toy fire hats while enforcing the room limitations.
AA SPEAKER - Susan T., Florence, California
AL-ANON SPEAKER - Corrine E.., Northridge, California
Chairperson - Judy D., Pueblo, Colorado
Theme - Came to Believe
Color: red and black
YEAR 19 - 2010
This was the year, we had a question directed to our go-to person, the Chair-Elect. "Why does the bed buzz every time you sit on it?". A brief investigation uncovered a frayed lamp wire pinched by the metal bed frame. Our intrepid Chair-Elect used a wooden hanger to disconnect the frayed plug and the bed buzzing was no longer! The lamp was delivered to the office. The room renovations began the next year and metal bed frames slowly disappeared.
AA SPEAKER - Becky A., Nebraska
AL-ANON - Jaci Marie L., Breckenridge, Colorado
Chairperson - Heidi G., Colorado Springs, Colorado
Theme - Enjoying Life
Color: Mardi Gras green, purple, and gold
YEAR 20 - 2011
We held a birthday celebration on Saturday evening to mark two decades of Colorado Woman to Woman! We had a birthday cake, ice cream, and danced in the Rayburn Room after our Saturday night speaker.
One of our smokers also set the planter at the front door on fire. Apparently, it smouldered for awhile until an attendee noticed the fire and promptly doused it with water from the lobby restroom. Thereafter, smoking was limited to one location where appropriate fireproof containers are located.
AA SPEAKER - June A., Colorado
AL-ANON SPEAKER - Corrie L., Alabama
Chairperson - Jacquie S., Pueblo West, Colorado
Theme - Embrace the Journey
Color: Avatar lime green & royal blue